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Aug 16, 2021
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Rich, Sri Aurobindo wrote the piece from which I quoted for publication in *Among the Great*, a book written by his disciple Dilip Kumar Roy. He used the third person because he wished the piece to appear as an impersonal statement from an anonymous “authoritative source”. *Among the Great* consists of accounts of Dilip’s meetings and excerpts from his correspondence with five eminent contemporaries — Romain Rolland, Mahatma Gandhi, Bertrand Russell, Rabindranath Tagore and Sri Aurobindo.

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There are rumours that Germany never lost World War 2, but established a base in Antarctica and on the moon and subsequently merely gave up Europe. William Tompkins explains that Germany built interstellar spaceships to take its people off-world and establish a new civilisation.

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You are pulling his leg, right?

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