Thank you, Ulrich.

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As always, I appreciate your fine, insightful writing.

Here's a question - no, really a request. I think it would be interesting, though challenging, to explore the mindset of those who make excuses for Russia.

Now, I have absolutely no interest in exploring the mindset of authoritarian, far right populists who support Russia. For me, at least, it's quite transparently clear that this support comes from individuals who live very much in a part of the vital ego that does not require much insight to understand.

What I find baffling is people who appear to share many of the ideals of neo-idealism, like reporter Chris Hedges, who make excuses for Russia (fear of NATO expansion, for example) that to me are SO utterly in conflict with the rest of his writing.

I'd love to see a deeper, IY-inspired analysis. I suppose one parallel might be the IY disciples in the 1930s and 40s who initially supported the Axis powers because they were enemies of Britain (fortunately they appeared to accept Sri Aurobindo's explanation that it was not about all good vs all bad but the usual human mixture and that the larger picture was, the Allies were on the side of the evolution)

I don't see any equivalent exploration, from an IY perspective, of those who one would think would support Ukraine yet make excuses for Russia. I think you would have some quite profound insights on this and look forward to reading them.

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I wish I were influenced by Mumford, like people say they have been moved by this or that author. Instead of this, unfortunately, I have been rather influenced by how things turned out to be.

It just happens, historically at least, that he did predict it all quite accurately, for his own credit, and that has saved him the embarrassment of us having to write those damning words he prophesied on his grave. But this should not be taken neither as a consolation on his part nor as a victory on our end, because as I said: we have been influenced by how things turned out to be.

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Thanks for the additional article on nuclear war. Quite brilliant and insightful; one hopes many will take heed!

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