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I never get tired or reading him.

One cannot but wander that a spiritual evolution from the one to the many has resulted in a material involution from the many to the one. There is a certain paragraph of Levi-Strauss (Tristes Tropiques), where he confesses the impotence and futility of having attained the most precious knowledge in a world that doesn’t exist anymore. He paid the ultimate price. I can’t remember who said it, but the same happens to everyone, every person if free to act until he becomes ossified in his own habits. The entire world is now an ossified Megamachine. Infinite knowledge, no escape.

Was there a point in life where our place in history was perfectly balanced? That is an interesting question, which I’m sure has an answer. I do not know which epoch though. Sri Aurobindo is hopeful that one day the line will be crossed: in the opposite direction.

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