Isn't Christianity the greatest civilization that ever existed. Without Christ there wouldn't be a single Jew Jesuit or white man alive.

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Christianity isn't a civilization; it's a religion.

See this post for what the Mother had to say about its role in human evolution:


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The mother was never Christian. She was of Jewish Algerian descent. I wouldn't trust a word she says about the good old christians

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But thank you anyway

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Sorry for offending you. Obviously, this post wasn't meant for you.

Here is why:

A disciple once said to the Mother:

There’s nothing to be done with religious people.

Her response:

No. And it’s not good to try either. If they cling to a religion, it means that that religion has helped them somehow or other, has helped something in them which in fact wanted to have a certitude without having to seek for it—to lean on something solid without being responsible for its solidity (someone else is responsible!), and to leave their bodies in that way. So to want to pull them out of it shows a lack of compassion — they should just be left where they are. Never do I argue with someone who has a faith — let him keep his faith! And I take great care not to say anything that might shake his faith because it’s not good—such people are unable to have another faith.

(from this post: https://aurocafe.substack.com/p/how-to-talk-to-a-materialist-if-you)

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I'm not offended. In just surprised that you never share your personal view or opinion and instead share mother and Sri Aurobindo quotes. Are you afraid of exposing yourself

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It ought to be clear by now that in spiritual matters I trust Sri Aurobindo and the Mother more than anyone else. This is not twitter, where people tend to claim that their retweets are not endorsements. On my substack, quotes from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother ARE endorsements. I can say exactly what the Mother said in the aforementioned post:

"I happened to have some philosophical curiosity and to study all kinds of problems, and I came upon Sri Aurobindo’s teaching, and what he revealed is by far, among the systems men have formulated, the most satisfying FOR ME, the most complete, and what answers the most satisfactorily all the questions that can be asked; it is the one that helps me the most in life to have the feeling that life is worth living."

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This answers more than one vital question. He’s tremendous. 🙏

“It is only in plants, by virtue of the sun's energy caught up by the green leaves and operating in the sap, that inert matter can find its way upward against the law of gravity. A plant deprived of light is gradually but inexorably overcome by gravity and death.” (Simone Weil, Human Personality, p.81)

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Something related:

"The significance of the lotus is not to be found by analysing the secrets of the mud from which it grows here; its secret is to be found in the heavenly archetype of the lotus that blooms for ever in the Light above." (Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga IV, p 616)

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