A vast disguise, indeed! Coincidentally, I'm just now reading M.P. Pandit's "A Summary of Savitri", which I'm finding - despite a plethora of little typos - to be most helpful, as well as being a nice read on it's own merits.

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Hello Ulrich, my apologies that this comment doesn't pertain to this post, but I thought you might be interested in this recent article from Scientific American (if you weren't already aware):

"Brain Waves Synchronize when People Interact - The minds of social species are strikingly resonant


Favorite quote: "But how does synchrony happen? Much about the phenomenon remains mysterious—even scientists occasionally use the word “magic” when talking about it. "

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Thanks, Elwood. Better not put unrelated material in the comments — you can always write to me by responding to any Aurocafe newsletter from your inbox.

The sentence you quoted stuck out for me too. “Much about the phenomenon remains mysterious” is the usual kind of euphemism, like “not fully understood” for “not understood at all.” The other goof is that “only by looking into the brains of all individuals involved in an interaction ... can we start to fully understand what is going on.” Science, all the way down to relativistic quantum physics, gives us *correlations*; it has nothing whatever to say by way of *understanding* or *explanation*.

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