Well, I sincerely hope I'm wrong. It isn't that Trump has some brilliant (or insane) plan.
He doesn't need to.
It was never clearer (at least to me) than during the last months of the campaign. Honestly, for the majority of Trump supporters, what happens in the world of reality simply doesn't matter.
Trump could actually say (I know this is hard for people outside the US to believe), "I just negotiated the greatest peace deal in history. Ukraine is now independent and free."
And there could be daily news footage of Russia building hundreds, even thousands of detention centers, Ukrainian journalists, artists, politicians describing in precise terms the ghastly consequents of the complete Russian takeover.
But as long as Trump says none of this is happening, then for his most devout (and "devout" is the right word - as he is more popular in some quarters than that old pansy, Jesus, who spouts ridiculous liberal nonsense about 'turning the other cheek') followers, it's not happening.
As a psychologist who has done several hundred evaluations of people with strokes, traumatic brain injuries and other conditions leading to cognitive deterioration, I - along with at least 1000 other psychologists and psychiatrists - see clearly that Trump's mental faculties are rapidly deteriorating.
But all he has to say is, "I'm the smartest guy in the country," and it's true.
I'll leave you with this.
The Pope was on a plane with Donald Trump. At one point on the trip, the pilot announced that, not only had they found a hippie stowed away on the plane, but the engine was failing and they should evacuate. And there are only three parachutes.
The pilot got his parachute and jumped out.
The Pope then said to Trump and the hippie, "Listen you two are younger than me, you should take the two remaining parachutes."
At that, Trump said, "Well, I'm the smartest guy in the world and only I can save the world." He grabbed the nearest parachute and jumped out."
The hippie then said to the Pope, "Don't worry, there's still two parachutes left. The smartest guy in the world just grabbed my backpack."
It doesn’t take an experienced psychologist to see that Trump's mental faculties are in the toilet. But keep in mind Sri Aurobindo’s statement that “the eye of the Yogin sees not only the outward events and persons and causes, but the enormous forces which precipitate them into action.” There is a combination of, or sometimes an alternation between, insanity and shrewdness (as Hitler displayed and presently Musk does, too) which offers said enormous forces a most effective instrumentation. The question is, is all this in preparation of another great war? Sri Aurobindo also wrote:
“As in the practice of the spiritual science and art of Yoga one has to raise up the psychological possibilities which are there in the nature and stand in the way of its spiritual perfection and fulfilment so as to eliminate them, even, it may be, the sleeping possibilities which might arise in future to break the work that has been done, so too Nature acts with the world-forces that meet her on her way, not only calling up those which will assist her but raising too, so as to finish with them, those that she knows to be the normal or even the unavoidable obstacles which cannot but start up to impede her secret will.”
Here is a quote from a book by Paul Richard titled The Lord of The Nations (subtitled “He shall rule the Nations with a Rod of Iron,” translated and revised by S.E. Stokes, Madras: Ganesh & Co. 1923):
“One night of July 1914, two men, two witnesses—one for the East, the other for the West of the world—met in presence of their Lord, looking in his light to the world of men and nations. And He, through their eyes, saw it. Then He, the Lord, thought within himself—and they, his servitors, said to each other: “The hour has come”.... So began the War—the War as fated and made necessary by the crimes of all. For it is the fearful darkness of these crimes, slowly gathering in the sky of the nations, which have fallen on them all. All the seers of the world saw that gloom—the most sombre and dreadful which ever covered this earth. It has covered it with night and blood. But behind it is preparing the most splendid of dawns which ever rose in the sky—the dawn of a new heaven over a renewed earth.”
There is another text titled Without Passport, which contains Paul Richard's notes, dictated to his friend Consuelo Sides in 1954. It contains this:
My second trip to India took place in 1914, this time with [his wife Mirra Alfassa] at my side.... We found Aurobindo now living in a spacious house, but in seclusion, with several young men serving as his link with the outside world. An agent of the British secret police was stationed permanently at his door, and his job was to interview and take down the names of all new visitors.... Our house was in sight of Aurobindo’s, and when we went out on the terrace in the mornings we could see him pacing back and forth on his veranda in deep concentration. In the afternoons we would join him and sometimes remain until late at night if he had no other visitors. He was still the same quiet and thoughtful man I remembered from our first meeting four years earlier, except that he could now speak French. After a few days of this I began to tire of looking at the scenery; feeling that something should be done to make our stay productive, I said to him: “Shall we start a magazine?” Without hesitating, and with a characteristic movement of the head, he agreed....
Aurobindo’s contributions to the magazine included essays on “The Life Divine,” “The Secret of the Vedas,” “The Psychology of Social Development,” “Human Unity,” and others. He was genuinely surprised at the way these essays were taking form, both in terms of the new philosophic trend of his thought and also the “automatic” manner in which he had begun to write. “I have never written like that before,” he confided to me....
Every Sunday, Aurobindo and his young attendants visited us in our home, sharing our vegetarian meal although they were not exclusively vegetarian themselves. After dinner we would sit until late on the terrace under the beautiful southern constellation. One evening in late July the Tamil poet Bharati was with us. Our conversation had led us to the conclusion that the world had become so hardened and its institutions so entrenched that no spiritual renaissance was possible. It was as if the world of the present had become a prison wall through which no future could pass. What could possibly break through? There was a long silence; then suddenly, Aurobindo and I were both shaken by the same inspiration, and we exclaimed almost in a single voice: “War is needed.” And, a few days later, World War I broke out, leading ultimately into a world revolution which has not yet reached its term.
Is war still needed? Maybe not. Asked whether there will be catastrophes when the Supermind descends, Sri Aurobindo replied: “There need not be. There will necessarily be great changes but they are not bound to be catastrophic. When there is a strong pressure from Overmind forces for change, then there are likely to be catastrophes because of the resistance and clash of forces. The supramental has a greater, in its fullness a complete mastery of things and power of harmonisation which can overcome resistance by other means than dramatic struggle and violence.”
But maybe it is. In the Arya [i.e., between 1914 and 1921] Sri Aurobindo wrote:
“No real peace can be till the heart of man deserves peace; the law of Vishnu cannot prevail till the debt to Rudra is paid.... Christ and Buddha have come and gone, but it is Rudra who still holds the world in the hollow of his hand.”
“Evil cannot perish without the destruction of much that lives by the evil....”
“[M]ere immobility and inertia unwilling to use or incapable of using any kind of resistance to evil [will not] abrogate the law [of strife and destruction].”
“So long as war does not become psychologically impossible, it will remain or, if banished for a while, return.... War is no longer, perhaps, a biological necessity, but it is still a psychological necessity; what is within us, must manifest itself outside.”
And shortly after WW2, he wrote: “The present civilisation must surely change, but whether by a destruction or a new construction on the basis of a greater truth, is the issue. The Mother has left the question hanging and I can only do the same.”
An Elon Musk biographer has sounded the alarm that the world’s richest man may be losing his mind.
The Harvard Law-educated biographer Seth Abramson speculated Monday that Musk might be “going mad” in a setting for all to see—brought on by his growing stress, history of mental illness, and self-described heavy drug use.
“I legitimately believe Elon Musk may be going mad,” he posted to X. “I’m a Musk biographer who has been tracking his online behavior for the last two years—and given that he’s admitted to all of mental illness, heavy drug use, and crippling stress, it is now reasonable to fear he is deeply unwell.”
Abramson, 48, added that Musk’s mental state could have consequences worldwide.
Well, I sincerely hope I'm wrong. It isn't that Trump has some brilliant (or insane) plan.
He doesn't need to.
It was never clearer (at least to me) than during the last months of the campaign. Honestly, for the majority of Trump supporters, what happens in the world of reality simply doesn't matter.
Trump could actually say (I know this is hard for people outside the US to believe), "I just negotiated the greatest peace deal in history. Ukraine is now independent and free."
And there could be daily news footage of Russia building hundreds, even thousands of detention centers, Ukrainian journalists, artists, politicians describing in precise terms the ghastly consequents of the complete Russian takeover.
But as long as Trump says none of this is happening, then for his most devout (and "devout" is the right word - as he is more popular in some quarters than that old pansy, Jesus, who spouts ridiculous liberal nonsense about 'turning the other cheek') followers, it's not happening.
As a psychologist who has done several hundred evaluations of people with strokes, traumatic brain injuries and other conditions leading to cognitive deterioration, I - along with at least 1000 other psychologists and psychiatrists - see clearly that Trump's mental faculties are rapidly deteriorating.
But all he has to say is, "I'm the smartest guy in the country," and it's true.
I'll leave you with this.
The Pope was on a plane with Donald Trump. At one point on the trip, the pilot announced that, not only had they found a hippie stowed away on the plane, but the engine was failing and they should evacuate. And there are only three parachutes.
The pilot got his parachute and jumped out.
The Pope then said to Trump and the hippie, "Listen you two are younger than me, you should take the two remaining parachutes."
At that, Trump said, "Well, I'm the smartest guy in the world and only I can save the world." He grabbed the nearest parachute and jumped out."
The hippie then said to the Pope, "Don't worry, there's still two parachutes left. The smartest guy in the world just grabbed my backpack."
It doesn’t take an experienced psychologist to see that Trump's mental faculties are in the toilet. But keep in mind Sri Aurobindo’s statement that “the eye of the Yogin sees not only the outward events and persons and causes, but the enormous forces which precipitate them into action.” There is a combination of, or sometimes an alternation between, insanity and shrewdness (as Hitler displayed and presently Musk does, too) which offers said enormous forces a most effective instrumentation. The question is, is all this in preparation of another great war? Sri Aurobindo also wrote:
“As in the practice of the spiritual science and art of Yoga one has to raise up the psychological possibilities which are there in the nature and stand in the way of its spiritual perfection and fulfilment so as to eliminate them, even, it may be, the sleeping possibilities which might arise in future to break the work that has been done, so too Nature acts with the world-forces that meet her on her way, not only calling up those which will assist her but raising too, so as to finish with them, those that she knows to be the normal or even the unavoidable obstacles which cannot but start up to impede her secret will.”
Here is a quote from a book by Paul Richard titled The Lord of The Nations (subtitled “He shall rule the Nations with a Rod of Iron,” translated and revised by S.E. Stokes, Madras: Ganesh & Co. 1923):
“One night of July 1914, two men, two witnesses—one for the East, the other for the West of the world—met in presence of their Lord, looking in his light to the world of men and nations. And He, through their eyes, saw it. Then He, the Lord, thought within himself—and they, his servitors, said to each other: “The hour has come”.... So began the War—the War as fated and made necessary by the crimes of all. For it is the fearful darkness of these crimes, slowly gathering in the sky of the nations, which have fallen on them all. All the seers of the world saw that gloom—the most sombre and dreadful which ever covered this earth. It has covered it with night and blood. But behind it is preparing the most splendid of dawns which ever rose in the sky—the dawn of a new heaven over a renewed earth.”
Who were these two men, and who was Paul Richard? Regarding Paul Richard, see this post: https://aurocafe.substack.com/p/the-lord-of-falsehood-a-brief-history.
There is another text titled Without Passport, which contains Paul Richard's notes, dictated to his friend Consuelo Sides in 1954. It contains this:
My second trip to India took place in 1914, this time with [his wife Mirra Alfassa] at my side.... We found Aurobindo now living in a spacious house, but in seclusion, with several young men serving as his link with the outside world. An agent of the British secret police was stationed permanently at his door, and his job was to interview and take down the names of all new visitors.... Our house was in sight of Aurobindo’s, and when we went out on the terrace in the mornings we could see him pacing back and forth on his veranda in deep concentration. In the afternoons we would join him and sometimes remain until late at night if he had no other visitors. He was still the same quiet and thoughtful man I remembered from our first meeting four years earlier, except that he could now speak French. After a few days of this I began to tire of looking at the scenery; feeling that something should be done to make our stay productive, I said to him: “Shall we start a magazine?” Without hesitating, and with a characteristic movement of the head, he agreed....
Aurobindo’s contributions to the magazine included essays on “The Life Divine,” “The Secret of the Vedas,” “The Psychology of Social Development,” “Human Unity,” and others. He was genuinely surprised at the way these essays were taking form, both in terms of the new philosophic trend of his thought and also the “automatic” manner in which he had begun to write. “I have never written like that before,” he confided to me....
Every Sunday, Aurobindo and his young attendants visited us in our home, sharing our vegetarian meal although they were not exclusively vegetarian themselves. After dinner we would sit until late on the terrace under the beautiful southern constellation. One evening in late July the Tamil poet Bharati was with us. Our conversation had led us to the conclusion that the world had become so hardened and its institutions so entrenched that no spiritual renaissance was possible. It was as if the world of the present had become a prison wall through which no future could pass. What could possibly break through? There was a long silence; then suddenly, Aurobindo and I were both shaken by the same inspiration, and we exclaimed almost in a single voice: “War is needed.” And, a few days later, World War I broke out, leading ultimately into a world revolution which has not yet reached its term.
Is war still needed? Maybe not. Asked whether there will be catastrophes when the Supermind descends, Sri Aurobindo replied: “There need not be. There will necessarily be great changes but they are not bound to be catastrophic. When there is a strong pressure from Overmind forces for change, then there are likely to be catastrophes because of the resistance and clash of forces. The supramental has a greater, in its fullness a complete mastery of things and power of harmonisation which can overcome resistance by other means than dramatic struggle and violence.”
But maybe it is. In the Arya [i.e., between 1914 and 1921] Sri Aurobindo wrote:
“No real peace can be till the heart of man deserves peace; the law of Vishnu cannot prevail till the debt to Rudra is paid.... Christ and Buddha have come and gone, but it is Rudra who still holds the world in the hollow of his hand.”
“Evil cannot perish without the destruction of much that lives by the evil....”
“[M]ere immobility and inertia unwilling to use or incapable of using any kind of resistance to evil [will not] abrogate the law [of strife and destruction].”
“So long as war does not become psychologically impossible, it will remain or, if banished for a while, return.... War is no longer, perhaps, a biological necessity, but it is still a psychological necessity; what is within us, must manifest itself outside.”
And shortly after WW2, he wrote: “The present civilisation must surely change, but whether by a destruction or a new construction on the basis of a greater truth, is the issue. The Mother has left the question hanging and I can only do the same.”
Footnote re Musk:
“Elon Musk is a multi-axial carnival of Psychopathology” (John Gartner).
Also this:
“Elon Musk Biographer Details Why He Thinks Billionaire Is ‘Going Mad’” — Josh Fiallo, Daily Beast, Jan. 7 2025.
An Elon Musk biographer has sounded the alarm that the world’s richest man may be losing his mind.
The Harvard Law-educated biographer Seth Abramson speculated Monday that Musk might be “going mad” in a setting for all to see—brought on by his growing stress, history of mental illness, and self-described heavy drug use.
“I legitimately believe Elon Musk may be going mad,” he posted to X. “I’m a Musk biographer who has been tracking his online behavior for the last two years—and given that he’s admitted to all of mental illness, heavy drug use, and crippling stress, it is now reasonable to fear he is deeply unwell.”
Abramson, 48, added that Musk’s mental state could have consequences worldwide.
You don’t say!